Kohët ndryshojnë, por përkushtimi ynë për të përsosur përvojën e udhëtimit tuaj nuk do të ndryshoj kurrë. Shërbimi ynë shumë i personalizuar 24-orësh, i kombinuar me një ambient autentik, elegant të cilësisë më të lartë, realizon komfortin e shtëpisë larg shtëpisë për ata që dinë dhe vlerësojnë cilësinë. Shërbimi ynë shumë i personalizuar 24-orësh, i kombinuar me një ambient autentik, elegant të cilësisë më të lartë, realizon komfortin e shtëpisë larg shtëpisë për ata që dinë dhe vlerësojnë cilësinë.
Një kulturë e re për ushqimin, freskinë e produkteve, mënyrën artizanale të prodhimit të makaronave të freskëta, origjinalitetin dhe konceptimin e picave si një produkt 100% Italian, mënyra plotësisht e re e gatimit apo mos-gatimit (krudot e famshme lindin këtu) të gjitha ushqimet e detit.
Based on 15 years of experience in Italy, in the area of Emilia-Romagna, Adi & Liri decide to transfer from an Adriatic coast to another, what they know best to do, to offer their service in cooking field. In 2006, Rimini Restaurant was born. The name itself wanted to summarize the origin of the craftsmanship and professionalism of the two guys.
Restaurant Rimini brought a new culture to the food, with the strongest points: the freshness of the products, the artisanal way of producing fresh pasta, the originality and conception of pizza as a 100% Italian product, the completely new way of cooking or non-cooking (famous crudos are born here) all seafood, this completely unexplored cuisine until that moment in Albania, becoming a guide for those who were and those who came after.
Why Iliad? Because Iliad is a promise and a guarantee that every time you will find what you expect, the same delicacy and care for what the customer wants. Iliad does not copy, but creates, experiments, improves and at the same time remains faithful to its mission: Offers the best, with simplicity, because everything comes around, but the basic tastes remains.
Times change, but our dedication to perfecting the travel experience never will. Our highly personalised 24-hour service, combined with authentic, elegant surroundings of the highest quality, embodies a home away from home for those who know and appreciate the best. As the company has grown, our deeply instilled culture, personified by our employees, continues to get stronger. Over more than 20 years, our people have built an unrivalled depth of reliability, trust and connection with our guests – a connection we will steadfastly uphold, now and always.